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Welcome to Elfy's Corner my online journal - straight from the Northpole.  Here I'll keep you updated on the daily events here at Santa's Workshop as we count down to Christmas!  To start from the beginning, please click here.


Elfy's Farewell until Next Year

Here we are, just three days after Christmas and gearing up for yet another celebration!  Things are going well in the workshop today as the clean-up is fully under way.  Now that all those wrapping paper scraps have been tossed, I can see the floor again! 

Saturday is not too far away and soon we will be celebrating New Year's Eve which is a great way to tie a bright red bow around another successful holiday season.  Elves are busy right now, writing and sending invitations to the village, inviting them to join us.  It's a time to look back on a year gone by and set new goals for the future.  My new goal is to cut my bakery visits in half.  I have packed on a little too much weight, especially over the last month.  Not that Santa can really talk, but he mentioned that my stomach is starting to look like his, only as a smaller version.  That Santa Claus! 

Season's greetings to everyone.  Thank you for visiting our web site and reading my blog as I have truly enjoyed sharing the happenings in the Northpole and the process we go through to make Christmas special for all.  Have a safe and joyous N.Y.E. and remember, our secret elf task force will be keeping an eye out to see who's naughty and nice throughout the New Year.  You can visit our web site any time and email Santa if you'd like.  Santa on Cd Productions will still be in operation.  And I'll be back in 2012 when the winter season finds you again. 

Signing Off,





Christmas was a Hit!

It was a hit!  Nine reindeer and the great Santa Claus flew through the sky last night with all the presents in tow.  The weather was pretty good all around the world and Santa's sleigh rode steady.  I was there, I know.  That's right!  Since I am his assistant, I joined him in what was the most amazing, magical experience of my life!  It is also amazing how the time flies.  Yes, we traveled at super high speed, but it still took us all night to deliver the gifts.  To me, it seemed like only a couple of hours and I wished it could have lasted longer. 

There was a slight malfunction with Blitzen's harness but Elroy showed me how to fix minor problems along our travel.  Rudolph's nose was spectacular as always, leading us through the night sky.  And after we returned, the reindeer were washed and groomed, fed and put to bed for a much needed nap.  We had a short gathering in the workshop, celebrating another triumphant Christmas, then we ALL took a much needed nap!

So today starts clean-up week and there is a lot of work to do.  I am so proud of Santa and all the hard work he put into Santa on CD Productions.  It was a really great year and soon a new one will begin.  I hope you all had a great Christmas with your families, I know I did!

Signing Off,




Merry Christmas to All!

The dance last night was great and everyone was able to make it on time.  Santa and Mrs. Claus were there too, enjoying the sugary treats and tasty snacks spread out on the long banquet table that featured a tall cascading fountain of sparkling cider in the middle.  The room was garnished with holly and berries, large hanging snowflakes, strings of lights, a decorated tree (of course), and even a mirror ball.  The Research and Development team designed the ball to rotate in the light, casting bright colors all over the dance floor.  It was perfect!  Emma and I danced and danced until our feet hurt and it seemed all the elves were happy to take a break for fun. 

But now it's back to work as tonight is Christmas Eve.  There is a lot to do.  The reindeer's hooves have to be polished, their coats brushed 100 times, and antlers adorned with festive decor.  Then their harnesses need to be adjusted, the jingle bells spit shined, and all the other straps and reins fastened and secure.  We have a crew working on that and another one tending to Santa's big red sleigh to make sure it too is fit for the night ahead.  Once all that is done at R.H., they will bring the sleigh up to the loading door and we'll all begin filling it with those special Northpole packages for all the children of the world. 

So this is it everyone!  Christmas is almost here.  From all the Elves in the village and in the Christmas Workshop, from Santa and Mrs. Claus: 

Christmas time is here, all hearts filled with cheer as Santa's sleigh will take flight

Across the starry sky, over mountains and valleys, bringing presents throughout the night.

So snuggle up in bed, cover up that precious head so the magic can find you this year.

We wish your family peace, love, and happiness kissed with the blessings of holiday cheer! 

Merry Christmas!

Signing Off,




You should see the Workshop Today!

I wish you could see the workshop today, full of busy elves, holiday cheer and presents everywhere!  The towering Christmas tree is shining with lights and sparkling ornaments and the sound of crinkling wrapping paper and scissors snipping can be heard throughout the shop.  Everyone is moving around at super-sonic speed, rushing to get ahead of schedule today so we can get ready for the dance tonight.

In the corner is where Emma works in the Craft Department and on the other side is where the Research and Development Team work their magic.  Up above, under the dome shaped ceiling, there is a loft.  There you will find the Flight Department.  Flight elves are in charge of making sure Santa's sleigh is balanced, the landing rails are stable, and adjustments are made to help the sleigh fight wind shear.  We wouldn't want the wind to rock the sleigh too much.  Presents might fall out!  Our Flight elves even make sure Santa enjoys a comfortable ride.  They make sure the seats have extra padding and proper back support.  They also make sure the seats are heated so Santa can stay warm throughout the long, cold night.

So as you can tell, there are many teams working together to pull Christmas off without a hitch.  We are the best in the biz! 

Signing Off,




The Holiday Dance

Oh I am so excited for the dance tomorrow!  I can hardly wait to pick up Emma and hang out with her the entire night.  Word has it, her and her elfy girlfriends were out shopping today for new dresses and shoes.  I am glad I don't have to worry about that stuff! 

We still have a very busy night ahead of us.  We only sleep about four hours each night and then bright and early, we're back on the mission of making Christmas unforgettable for all.  Tomorrow morning, we'll be up earlier than usual, probably by 4 o'clock.  Santa and I have a big push in the studio for Santa on CD Productions and the rest of the elf force will be checking lists, wrapping the rest of the gifts, polishing and decorating the sleigh, and making sure the reindeer gear is ready to go.  So later at around 11pm, we will all gather once more for a final and very important meeting to see that tasks are completed as scheduled. 

I think we are all pretty excited for the dance as it's a nice time to take a moment and reflect on the all the magic and spirit of the holiday season.  It's also a great time to get down and boogie!  There is so much that we are thankful for and having time to spend with each other is what the holiday is all about.  I love my family and friends!  Ok, more to do.  Until tomorrow...

Signing Off,
